Understanding the 4-Month Sleep Regression: What Parents Need to Know fourth trimester sleep regressions Sep 29, 2024

Let’s stop the 4 month regression fear 

The 4 month regression seems to have become a beast of its own in recent years. Before we’ve even had children, we’re warned of the...

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Postpartum Challenges: My Journey with a Snoo Bassinet fourth trimester product reviews Sep 29, 2024

TW: Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum discussed

It's no secret that I had a rough postpartum with my second baby. After 41 weeks of hyperemesis, symphysis pubis dysfunction, multiple pandemic...

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Shifting Your Baby's Bedtime for Daylight Savings: A Comprehensive Guide 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester transitions Sep 29, 2024

It feels like every year I am caught unawares by Daylight Savings, despite it being one of my favourite times of year! It's the marker of long sunny evenings in the park and beautiful warm days....

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Navigating childcare and your child's sleep routine 5 month to 2 years Sep 29, 2024

I often do phone consults where parents tell me they’d like to make a plan for how to tackle sleep when their baby or toddler starts childcare. Similarly, I often have phone consults to help...

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Navigating Split Nights: A Guide for Parents 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester Sep 29, 2024

As a certified sleep consultant, one of the most common sleep disruptions I encounter with families is the phenomenon of split nights. For those unfamiliar with the term, a 'split night' refers to...

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Newborn Sleep and the Fourth Trimester fourth trimester Sep 29, 2024

As I write this, I am horizontal on the couch patiently, (or rather not so patiently), awaiting the arrival of my first baby. Can you believe it? My very own baby? All mine!!

Apart from the fact...

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Newborn Babys and their naps 5 month to 2 years sleep regressions Sep 29, 2024

Congratulations on your beautiful, new baby. What a gloriously overwhelming time. As some readers may know I have had two very different newborn experiences. My first baby was the easiest little...

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How to Tackle Your Baby's Catnaps for Better Sleep 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester Sep 29, 2024

Any parent of a young baby knows that sleep can be a precious commodity. But sometimes, even when your little one is getting plenty of sleep at night, they may still suffer from catnaps during the...

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Should we discourage thumb and finger sucking? 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester Sep 29, 2024

Oh how I love a thumb or finger sucker.

I sucked my two middle ‘fingies’ and twirled my hair until grade 3. My first baby found her thumb, or as we call it a ‘flumb’, when...

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Caring for Your Sick Baby: Sleep Strategies and Comfort Tips 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester sleep regressions Sep 29, 2024

"What do I do with sleep when my baby is sick?"

This is a question I am often asked.

The answer is that you need to attend to any and all of your sick baby's needs. Extra naps, extra milk, cuddles...

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Stop your Babys Swaddle Time! 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester Sep 29, 2024

I’m not going to lie, I’m a swaddling addict. The first step is acceptance, right….RIGHT!? Anyway, I love wrapping babies all snug and tight into little burritos. I love watching...

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Mastering Your Baby's Schedule: The Balance Between Wake Windows and Clock-Based Schedules 5 month to 2 years fourth trimester Sep 29, 2024

As a sleep consultant and a mother, I've often been asked by exhausted and perplexed parents: "Should I be using wake windows or a clock-based schedule for my baby?" It's a valid question, and the...

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